Monday, February 28, 2011

BASKETBALL (foul shot, bounce pass, defensive slide)

DESCRIPTION-  Participant will begin by standing with feet shoulder width apart.  Left or right foot will be slightly in front of the other, depending if the individual is left or right handed (left handed then left foot slightly forward, right handed then right foot slightly forward.)  Shooting hand is the bent at a nintey degree angle, making the ball at should height.  Support arm rest against the side of the basketball to keep the ball in line.  As the person begins to shoot the ball, the elbow fully extends.  The support hand stays stationary while the shooting hand follows through.  Knees are slightly bent and then fully extended for momentum.

Preperation/Beginning Stance of Foul shot

Movement of a Foul Shot

Follow Through of a Foul Shot


DESCRIPTION- Person will begin by holding the basketball at waist height.  Feet are shoulder width apart with knees slightly bent.  As the person takes a step foward (either foot)  they will begin to fully extend both elbows at the same time.  As the elbows extend, the person will follow through with their step.  At this time the ball will be released and the thumbs will follow through facing the floor.  At this time the bounce pass is complete and the step can be fully completed, leaving the person in the beginning stance.

Prep Stance of a Bounce Pass
Movement of a Bounce Pass

Follow through/ recovery of Bounce Pass


DESCRIPTION-  During a defensive slide, feet are slightly wider then shoulder width.  Knees are bent at about a 45 degree angle.  With this type of slide you never want your feet to cross or touch.  In a defensive slide, you can move to your right or left.  To move left, the player will take a small step directly to the left with the left foot.  Once the left foot touches the floor, the right right can then follow.  All of the movements in this slide take place within the frontal plane.  The arms are also slightly bent and stay within the frontal plane.

Prep Stance of Defensive Slide

Movement of Defensive Slide

Follow Through/ Recovery of Defensive Slide

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